In our daily duties, weight loss program is to be included as an essential part. It is note worthy that we have more and more mechanized programs in every walk of human life due to long milestones in science and technology. One may feel proud of the advancement of science to do anything presently which we couldn't think except to imagine during some years back. Simultaneously, things are getting bad in health affair because of want of sufficient physical exercise which is badly needed to execute body weight loss and maintain health. How long one lives is not a concern but 'how is the life going without disease?' is important in the present days. Health is closely related to body weight which is ignored by many and they suffer from obesity, almost a disease. Comparatively its effects are too bad with women. Still, awareness is wanting about obesity.
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If an obese woman is advised to go for long walk everyday as a weight loss program, the immediate reply is 'How to lose weight?' and 'Where to go for long walk?' There is no excuse for this because it is rather a reflection of illiteracy in maintenance of health. You may feel grudging and foolish if I choose to advise you to do all your domestic works manually. But what is going on outside from home? You choose to attend gym, yoga and jogging as well as breathing deep with deliberate activation of hands, legs, knees, toes, neck, hip and all other parts of your body. Why don't you take as one of the best ways to lose weight and maintain health by reducing your body weight by resorting to some manual works to meet your home needs? It may sound foolish but there is some fact in it. Well, you won't agree with my words. Anyhow, here are some weight loss tips.
Food habits for quick weight loss:
Eat any food with less fat content Add fresh vegetables and greens with your daily diet plan Avoid snacks before and after meal Eat boiled food instead of fast food and fried items Avoid root vegetables rich in carb content
Other habits for rapid weight loss:
Avoid day time sleeping, particularly immediately after meal 2. Minimize the lazy time spent for TV programs Go for walking and jogging for about 20 minutes Have the habit of finding your Body-Mass-Index daily Minimize machine works and do some manual works when at home.
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